Remember that time we woke before dawn?
The blaring alarm clock blared us awake
and blared us out the door into the
cold quiet of the wet early morning.
Bundled in layers of warmth to fill in
for the sun, the night-frozen leather of
saddles numbing our fingers, the horses
pacing in their stalls, anxious to be off.
Their breath made light puffs
as we began to ride. The forest was
ablaze with silver fog, and silhouettes
of birds dove between the branches.
We parted paths with the ways
we knew and rode toward the sun.
An occasional car passed as we
rode along the street, echoing
our same thought:Why are you up so early?
At last we reached a long stretch, the wide
blue at its end. Overjoyed, we galloped
down the fog-blanketed field, reaching
white-capped waves and slippery silver sands.
The sun peaked over the horizon, bounced
its colors off rambunctious waters.
We watched a newborn day delivered.
Remember that time we woke before dawn?
The blaring alarm clock blared us awake
and blared us out the door into the
cold quiet of the wet early morning.
Bundled in layers of warmth to fill in
for the sun, the night-frozen leather of
saddles numbing our fingers, the horses
pacing in their stalls, anxious to be off.
Their breath made light puffs
as we began to ride. The forest was
ablaze with silver fog, and silhouettes
of birds dove between the branches.
We parted paths with the ways
we knew and rode toward the sun.
An occasional car passed as we
rode along the street, echoing
our same thought:Why are you up so early?
At last we reached a long stretch, the wide
blue at its end. Overjoyed, we galloped
down the fog-blanketed field, reaching
white-capped waves and slippery silver sands.
The sun peaked over the horizon, bounced
its colors off rambunctious waters.
We watched a newborn day delivered.